Download UMANG App for Android Phone

E-governance will be “mobile first” with UMANG. MeitY and National e-Governance Division create it (NeGD).

It is an expanding platform that gives Indian citizens access to pan-India e-Gov services from Central, State, Local Bodies, and Agencies on app, online, SMS, and IVR channels.

Key Features: Unified Platform: It unites various government departments and their services on a single platform to improve and simplify services for citizens.

Mobile First Strategy: It matches government services with mobile uptake trends.
It integrates well with Digital India Services like Aadhaar, DigiLocker, and PayGov. The platform automatically integrates new such services.

Uniform Experience: It helps citizens find, download, access, and use all government services.
Secure and Scalable: It enables Aadhaar-based and other service access authentication. Encrypted profile data is private.

Key Services: UMANG enables convenient access to many Indian government services, including healthcare, finance, education, housing, energy, agriculture, transport, utility, and employment and skills.

Key Benefits for Citizens: Single-Point Ubiquitous Access: Citizens can access all government services on a single platform across different online and physical methods (SMS, email, app, and web).

– More for Less: Install one mobile app instead of all department apps.
Convenience: If government services are introduced, citizens don’t need to install or update the app again.

Saving Time and Money: Citizens can use their phones, computers, and laptops to access these services without visiting the department office or waiting in line.
Standardized Experience: Government services, including payment-based transactions, are secure and uniform.

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